Friday, September 02, 2005

News Hounds Blog Site Banned Me

Free Speech? Nope. Not at Newshounds Forum.

In the last week, I have been posting with simply one profile name, blathe. I found the regulars at the forum to be quite rude and not very good at debate. So be careful of liberals, they must not like free speech.


ProV1 said...

Daily SearchCast, Sept. 2, 2005: Katrina Resources, Google On Link...
Daily SearchCast, Sept. 2, 2005: Katrina Resources, Google On Link Selling, Microsoft Into Pay Per Call?, New Technorati Blog Directory, Teaching Students To Be Search Savvy & More Today's search podcast covers ...
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a ##HSA## site/blog. It pretty much covers ##HDHP## related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)


Brian Lathe (952) 261-1052 said...

Hi Kelly: Thank you for your comment. However, I'm not very clear what you are saying?

Brian Lathe (952) 261-1052 said...

Here we have it. An example of one of the wonderful people you may find at Newshounds.

Sandrose Administration said...

One hell of a blog here. Don't give up on it. What goes around comes around they say. What do you think. Let us know at :